Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2023.

SOA Actuarial Science Early Career Award


The early career award is intended to encourage researchers to contribute to the field of actuarial science and to set examples of excellent actuarial research in colleges and universities. This award recognizes individuals for their exceptional scientific contributions in actuarial science at the early stages of their academic career.


Individuals who meet the following requirements may apply:

  1. Must be within ten years from the start of the first full-time academic appointment including a post-doctoral position.
  2. Evidence of strong publications on actuarial science topics in peer-reviewed journals with potential impact on industrial applications.
  3. Hold a credential from an IAA member organization or demonstrate continuing progress towards actuarial professional credentials.

Candidates need to self-nominate. A doctoral degree is not required to be eligible. Past winners cannot compete in the program. Applicants from all over the world are encouraged to apply.


Applicants must submit the following documentation:

  • Personal statement that highlights research achievements and addresses eligibility criteria.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Two letters of recommendation on the candidate’s research achievements emailed directly from the recommender.
  • All application materials must be written in English.
  • Apply between February 15 and May 31, 2023.



One Recipient will be selected to receive a $5,000 USD award. All federal, state, provincial and local taxes on the award, if any, and other expenses related to accepting the award is the sole responsibility of the Recipient.


Recipients are selected annually based on individual merit, regardless of race, sex, age, etc.

Consideration will be given to:

  • Candidate’s research track record in actuarial science.
  • Candidate’s ability to conduct independent research and to lead collaboration with academics and practitioners.
  • The quality of research work. The evaluation is not based on the number of papers or the number of citations, but rather the potential impact of research work to theoretical or practical aspects of actuarial science.
  • The SOA Education and Research section council retain the right of not giving this award if the selection committee deems, at its sole discretion, that no candidate meets the award criteria.

Key Dates:

  • May 31, 2023: The completed application and required documentation must be received at the SOA.
  • July 31, 2023: The award recipient will be announced around this time.
  • August 15, 2023: The recipient must notify the SOA of their acceptance of the award.


For any questions concerning this award, please contact:

Personal Information:

The personal information collected through this award is subject to Society of Actuaries' Privacy Policy. By submitting an application to this award, you agree to the use of your personal information as described in the above Privacy Policy.