Request to be a part of a Listserv (electronic discussion list) to stay up–to–date with SOA news. Customize your subscriptions to receive the news that matters to you. Guidelines for ListservsA Listserv serves as an electronic mailing list to form online interest groups or to facilitate group discussions among Listserv members. Listservs are used to promote two–way communication and discussion on an ongoing basis. With the current Listserv software, there are no archival capabilities. Messages are posted and received through an email account. Members receive an email for every message posted. Emails posted on a Listserv may be forwarded to others without obtaining consent. To receive one email daily that provides listing by subject line and author of all emails sent that day, users may opt to receive the "digest" version. To subscribe to the "digest" option, send an email to the Listserv and type "digest xxx" for the email text, where xxx is the name of the Listserv. You do not need a subject line. Digest subscribers receive a confirmation message that their request has been received. Listservs etiquetteSometimes subscribers need to be reminded of Listserv etiquette. Here are a few basics: