Announcement: SOA congratulates the new FSAs for March 2023.

VEE: Validation by Educational Experience

Welcome to the Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) requirement home page!

There are three required VEE topics for the ASA pathway.

  • Economics
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Mathematical Statistics

Important things to know about VEE:

  • VEE topics are not formal prerequisites for the preliminary exams and are fulfilled independently of the exam process, usually from university coursework or online courses.
  • You must pass two SOA, CAS or CIA actuarial exams before applying for VEE credit
  • If you have completed university coursework prior to 2020, you may be eligible to obtain VEE transition credit for the previously required topics of Corporate Finance and Applied Statistics.

How to complete the VEE requirements?

  • Step 1: Pass two SOA, CAS or CIA exams
  • Step 2: Find your university courses in the VEE Directory at the link below. If you have no university courses that appear in the directory, you may also complete the Alternate options available in the directory. More questions?
  • Step 3: Apply for VEE credit using the “Applying for VEE Credit” links below for each VEE topic.
  • Step 4: Request that your university/institution send us your transcript

VEE Approved Courses/Experiences


Applying for VEE Credit

    • Online VEE Application (credit card payments)
      Note: DO NOT open multiple browser windows to place more than one VEE topic order at a time. This will cause errors and we will not receive your VEE order information.
  • If you have course credit from before 2020 you may be able to use the following:

  • Paper VEE Application (check payments)
    Note: Paper application provided for use by those unable to submit a credit card payment using the online application above.

Information on VEE Credit


VEE inquiries may be directed to
Please check the Candidate Credit FAQs before submitting any queries. Thank you.